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Welcome to the publication section of Robotic Materials @ NTU. Here you can find a list of our latest research papers on soft robots and robotics materials. Click on the paper link to read more about our research.


49. B. Zhang, Z. Meng, Y. Wang*, "3D auxetic metamaterials with tunable multistable mechanical properties"

Mechanics of Materials, 201, 105217 (2025). Editor Invited Article.


48. Y. Liu, Z. Meng*, Y. Wang*, CQ. Chen* "Corrugated sheets with loading-position-dependent bistability."

Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 106042 (2025).


47. C. Linghu, Y. Liu, X. Yang, Z. Chen, J. Feng, Y. Zhang, Y. Li, Z. Zhao, Y. Seo, J. Li, H. Jiang, J. Su, Y. Fang, Y. Li X. Wang*, Y. Wang*, H. Gao*, K. J. Hsia*, "Versatile adhesive skin enhances robotic interactions with the environment."

Science Advances 11 (3), eadt4765 (2025).



46. Z. Meng, H. Yan, Y. Wang*, "Granular metamaterials with dynamic bond reconfiguration."

Science Advances, 10(49), eadq7933 (2024).


45. X. Yan, R. Zhao, H. Lin, Z. Zhao, S. Song*, Y. Wang*, "Nucleobase-driven wearable ionogel electronics for long-term human motion detection and electrophysiological signal monitoring."

Advanced Functional Materials, 2412244 (2024).


44. Y. Wang, K. Wu, X. Zhang, X. Li*, Y. Wang*, H. Gao*, "Superior fracture resistance and topology-induced intrinsic toughening mechanism in 3D shell-based lattice metamaterials."

Science Advances, 10(35), eadq2664 (2024).


43. T. Chen, X. Yang, Y. Wang*, "Design and modeling of a programmable morphing structure with variable stiffness capability."

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 109699 (2024).


42. B. Zhang, Z. Meng, X. Yang, Y. Zhang, T. Chen, Y. Chen, Y. Wang*, "Multistable soft robots assembled from bistable auxetic building blocks."

Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2400529 (2024).


41. T. Chen, X. Yang, B. Zhang, J. Li, J. Pan, Y. Wang*, "Scale-inspired programmable robotic structures with concurrent shape morphing and stiffness variation."

Science Robotics, 9(92), eadl0307 (2024).


40. K. Wu, J. Li, Y. Li, H. Wang, Y. Zhang, B. Guo, J. Yu, Y. Wang*, "3D printed silk-fibroin-based hydrogels with tunable adhesion and stretchability for wearable sensing."

Advanced Functional Materials, 2404451 (2024).


39. X. Yang, Y. Chen, T. Chen, J. Li, Y. Wang*, "Active fabrics with controllable stiffness for robotic assistive interfaces."

Advanced Materials, 2404502 (2024).


38. J. Ge, Y. Zhao, Y. Wang*, H. Li*, "Electrochemical pneumatic battery for untethered robotics."

Device, 2 (9), 100460 (2024).


37. C. Zhao, Y. Li, Z. Deng, Y. Wang*, K. Zhang*, "Negative refraction of elastic waves in two-dimensional inertial amplification metamaterials."

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 209325 (2024).


36. Y. Chen, M. Wang, Y. Wang*, "Pneumatic back exoskeleton for lifting posture detection and correction."

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 17594-17500 (2024).


35. Y. Liu, Y. Wang, H. Ren, Z. Meng, X. Chen, Z. Li, L. Wang, W. Chen, Y. Wang, J. Du, "Ultrastiff metamaterials generated through a multilayer strategy and topology optimization."

Nature Communications, 15, 1 (2024).


34. X. Yang, M. Liu, T. Chen, Y. Chen, Y. Wang*, "Tunable mechanics of architectured composites from particle assemblies."

Extreme Mechanics Letters, 67, 102121 (2024). Featured in the cover!


33. Y. Zhao, H. Hu, Y. Huang, H. Liu, C. Yan, C. Xu, R. Zhang, Y. Wang, Q. Xu, "Elasticity-controlled jamming criticality in soft composite solids."

Nature Communications, 15(1), 1691 (2024).


32. X. Yang, M. Liu*, B. Zhang, Z. Wang, T. Chen, Y. Zhou, Y. Chen, K. J. Hsia, Y. Wang*, "Hierarchical tessellation enables programmable morphing matter."

Matter, 7(2), 603-619 (2024).


31. R. Zhao, Z. Zhao, S. Song*, Y. Wang*, "Multifunctional conductive double-network hydrogel sensors for multiscale motion detection and temperature monitoring."

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(51), 59854-59865 (2023).


30. H. L. Wang, Y. Wang*, "Touchless artificial perception beyond fingertip probing."

ACS Nano, 17(21) (2023).


29. X. Yang, Y. Zhou, H. Zhao, W. Huang, Y. Wang*, K. Jimmy Hsia*, M. Liu*, "Morphing matter: from mechanical properties to robotic applications."

Soft Science, 3(4), 38 (2023).


28. H. L. Wang, B. Zhang, T. Chen, W. Mao, Y. Wang*, "High-efficiency single-droplet energy harvester for self-sustainable environmental intelligent networks."

Advanced Energy Materials, 2302858 (2023).


27. W. Gao, J. Kang, G. Wang, H. Ma, X. Chen*, M. Kadic, V. Laude, H. Tan*, Y. Wang*, "Programmable and Variable-Stiffness Robotic Skins for Pneumatic Actuation."

Advanced Intelligent Systems2300285 (2023).


26. G. Wang, Y. Chen, M. Wang, Y. Wang*, "Musculoskeletal Model Construction of Deep Squat Using Low-Cost Inertial Measurement Units."

IEEE/ASME (AIM) International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, link (2023).


25. B. L. Kim, C. Chong, S. Hajarolasvadi, Y. Wang, C. Daraio, "Dynamics of time-modulated, nonlinear phononic lattices."

Physical Review E, 107, 034211 (2023).


24. Y. Tian, K. Chen, H. Zheng, D. R. Kripalani, Z. Zeng, A. Jarlov, J. Chen, L. Bai, A. Ong, H. Du, G. Kang, Q. Fang, L. Zhao, H. J. Qi, Y. Wang, K. Zhou, "Additively manufactured dual-faced structured fabric for shape-adaptive protection."

Advanced Science, 10, 21, 2301567 (2023)


23. G. Wang, H. Wang, W. Gao, X. Yang, Y. Wang*, “Jamming enabled variable stiffness wrist exoskeleton for tremor suppression.”

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 8, 6, 3693-3700 (2023). Presented at IROS 2023.


22. Y. Zhao, Y. Wang*, “A palm-shape variable-stiffness gripper based on 3D-printed fabric jamming.”

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 8, 6, 3238-3245 (2023). Presented at IROS 2023.


21. Y. Zhao, C. K. Khaw, Y. Wang*, “Measuring a soft resistive strain sensor array by solving the resistor network inverse problem.”

IEEE-RAS International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), link (2023).


20. H. Wang, T. Chen, B. Zhang, G. Wang, X. Yang, K. Wu, Y. Wang*, “A dual-responsive artificial skin for tactile and touchless interfaces.”

Small, 19, 21, 2206830 (2023). Featured on the back cover.


19. A. Perera, K. Wu, W. Y. Wan, K. Song, X. Meng, S. Umezu*, Y. Wang*, H. Sato*, “Modified polymer 3D printing enables the formation of functionalized micro-metallic architectures.”

Additive Manufacturing, 61, 103317 (2023).


18. X. Yang, Z. Wang, B. Zhang, T. Chen, C. Linghu, K. Wu, G. Wang, H. Wang, Y. Wang*, “Self-sensing robotic structures from architected particle assemblies.”

Advanced Intelligent Systems, 5(1), 2200250 (2023).


17. Y. Wang, L. Li, D. Hofmann, J. E. Andrade, and C. Daraio, “Structured fabrics with tunable mechanical properties.”

Nature, 596, 238-243 (2021).

Media coverages: Nature, NTU, Caltech, Tech in Asia, The Engineer, 3D Printing Industry, The Daily Mail, SlashGear, Innovation in Textiles, New Scientist, The Byte, Business Insider, Phys.Org, Xinhua News, and more!


16. C. Chong, Y. Wang, D. Marechal, E. G. Charalampidis, M. Moleron, A. Martinez, M. A. Porter, P. G. Kevrekidis, and C. Daraio, “Nonlinear localized modes in two-dimensional hexagonally-packed magnetic lattices.”

New Journal of Physics, 23, 043008 (2021).


15. S. Lee, J. Park, H. Cho, Y. Wang, B. Kim, C. Daraio, and B. Min, “Parametric oscillation of electromagnetic waves in momentum band gaps of a spatiotemporal crystal.”

Photonics Research, 9, 2, 142-150 (2021).


14. Y. Wang, B. Ramirez, K. Carpenter, C. Naify, D. C. Hofmann, C. Daraio, “Architected lattices with adaptive energy absorption.”

Extreme Mechanics Letters, 33, 100557 (2019).


13. A. Palermo, Y. Wang, P. Celli, C. Daraio, “Tuning of surface-acoustic-wave dispersion via magnetically modulated contact resonances.”

Physical Review Applied, 11, 044057 (2019).


12. Y. Wang, B. Yousefzadeh, H. Chen, H. Nassar, G. Huang and C. Daraio, “Observation of nonreciprocal wave propagation in a dynamic phononic lattice.”

Physical Review Letters, 121, 194301 (2018).


11. N. Mitchell, R. Carey, J. Hannah, Y. Wang, M. Cortes, S.P. McBride, X.M. Lin, and H.M. Jaeger, “Conforming nanoparticle sheets to surfaces with Gaussian curvature.”

Soft Matter, 14, 9107 (2018).


10. P. Thorén, R. Borgani, D. Forchheimer, I. Dobryden, P. Claesson, H. Kassa, P. Leclere, Y. Wang, H. M. Jaeger, D. Haviland, “Modeling and Measuring Viscoelasticity with Dynamic Atomic Force Microscopy.”

Physical Review Applied, 10, 024017 (2018).


9. Y. Wang, H. Chan, B. Narayanan, S.P. McBride, S. K.R.S. Sankaranarayanan, X.M. Lin, and H.M. Jaeger, “Thermomechanical Response of Self-Assembled Nanoparticle Membranes.”

ACS Nano, 11, 8026 (2017)


8. J. Kim, Y. Wang, H. Park, M. C. Park, S. E. Moon, S. M. Hong, C. M. Koo, K.Y. Suh, S. Yang, and H. Cho, “Soft, Ultrathin Frameworks Nonlinearly Organized in Tandem for Reversible and Pluripotent Wetting on Topographic Surfaces.”

Advanced Materials, 29, 1605078 (2017)


7. Z. Jiang, J. He, S.A. Deshmukh, P. Kanjanaboos, G. Kamath, Y. Wang, S.K.R.S. Sankaranarayanan, J. Wang, H.M. Jaeger, and X.M. Lin, “Subnanometre Ligand-shell Asymmetry Leads to Janus-like Nanoparticle Membranes.”

Nature Materials, 14, 912-917 (2015).


6. Y. Wang, J. Liao, S.P. McBride, E. Efrati, X.M. Lin, and H.M. Jaeger, “Strong Resistance to Bending Observed for Nanoparticle Membranes.”

Nano Letters, 15, 6732-6737 (2015).


5. Y. Wang, P. Kanjanaboos, S.P. McBride, E. Barry, X.M. Lin, and H.M. Jaeger, “Mechanical Properties of Self-Assembled Nanoparticle Membranes: Stretching and Bending.”

Faraday Discussions, 181, 325-338 (2015).


4. J. Reguera, E. Malachosky, …, Y. Wang, T. Teranishi, K.M. Salerno, S.P. McBride, and X.M. Lin, “Properties of Self-Assembled Nanostructures: General Discussion.”

Faraday Discussions, 181, 365-381 (2015).


3. Y. Wang, P. Kanjanaboos, E. Barry, S.P. McBride, X.M. Lin, and H.M. Jaeger, “Fracture and Failure of Nanoparticle Monolayers and Multilayers.”

Nano Letters, 14, 826-830 (2014).​



2. Q.Y. Lin, G. Jing, Y.B. Zhou, Y. Wang, J. Meng, Y.Q. Bie, D.P. Yu, and Z.M. Liao, “Stretch-induced Stiffness Enhancement of Graphene Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition.”

ACS Nano, 7(2), 1171-1177 (2013).


1. Y.B. Zhou, Z.M. Liao, Y. Wang, G.S. Duesberg, J. Xu, Q. Fu, X.S. Wu, and D.P. Yu, “Ion Irradiation Induced Structural and Electrical Transition in Graphene.”

The Journal of Chemical Physics, 133, 234703 (2010).

Robotic Materials @ NTU Singapore

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